What's it all about?

Well hello! My name is Cheryl. My mission is to formulate the best soap recipe that ever existed on the planet. And I think I have. I only use two oils- coconut oil and cocoa butter. The key to a good bar requires exact ratios of these two oils. Too much of one can make a soft bar, a bar that doesn't lather, or a bar that strips the skin of its own oil without replacing the moisture. My formulation has been tweaked many years for just the right blend. And what is the result? A nice hard bar with oodles of bubbles and lather, with a smidge of cocoa butter left on the skin to seal in natural moisture. I wanted something that, when you take it into the shower and lather it on a pouf or washcloth, scented bubbles tumble from the bar all over your body. Ahhh... such a luxurious feeling. That was my goal, and to me~the perfect bar. With the perfect scent. No easy task, I assure you. And, way better than a store body wash, I can tell you that. Making soap is a science really, hence the name. All in all, this little shop cares. I care. And that is what makes Soap Lab unique.
I live just outside of my hometown, beautiful Philadelphia PA, with my handsome husband, a teeny Chihuahua and eight sexy cats. I work as a Lab Scientist by day, and a soap scientist by night.